Generally, Amethyst is thought to work on the Third Eye and crown chakras and sometimes in the throat. Personally, we have noticed a lot of cleansing action in all three areas, plus a lifting of the feeling of the overall energetic field. There is also usually a component that feels like more light and information are able to permeate through the veils of the brain and body.
Where Amethyst really shines is in meditation and internal work with your higher self (the sentience and consciousness within you that isn’t driven by your brain or emotions, the observer self). When you work with Amethyst as a guide to go within, your ability to find and interact with energy blockages, echoes of traumas, self-sabotaging constructs, injured parts of yourself and harmful belief systems expands greatly. If you can meet these difficulties with compassion and loving kindness, your ability to release and move past them wildly increases. Remember to treat these issues within yourself with the kindness and compassion you would have for a child you love that is in pain.
For the best effect we recommend that you hold your stone and pull the energy through your hands, up through the arms, through the heart center and pull it purposefully into the Crown or Third Eye (depending which feels correct for you). After that, let the energy expand throughout your body and auric field (approximately 6 feet all around you). When you feel in tune with the energy focus on the middle of your forehead and when you feel the tingling of your own consciousness, expand it as far as you’re able within your body and field. Do your best to remain open to the feelings and thoughts that flow forth in your open state. Please remember if you’re experiencing a lot of fear or negativity to thank it for its presence in your life and what it was trying to teach you or keep you safe from and allow it to flow out and away from your body and your experience.
TLDR: Amethyst is commonly used for creativity, wisdom, expansion, psychic development, restful sleep, and dream work.
A Short Disclaimer: Where you feel the energy and action of a stone can be a universal experience, but it will largely depend on the makeup of your personal energetic system (the make up of your personal energies, emotions, and life experiences). If you choose to work with stones please listen to your body and intuition about what will serve you the best. Stone energies are not a magical cure-all and do require willingness to move blocks and take action on what you learn in your inner journeys.